3 reasons to avoid treadmill workouts
Cons of running on a treadmill:
- limited hip extension
- Less effort than running on grass
- No directional changes
limited hip extension
Optimal movement in your hips is crucial to performance. The strength of the glutes is an important factor in terms of injury prevention, as they influence the movement of the lower back and knees.
Running on a treadmill tends to shorten your stride length, preventing your hips from extending and moving as forcefully as they do on grass. Depending on the design, this is often due to safety concerns, especially at high speeds, but changing running technique can have a detrimental effect on performance once you're back on the grass.
Less effort than running on grass
Mats can be quite inflatable. They were designed this way to limit the risks of repetitive impacts, but the downside of this is that each step on the treadmill will return more energy than a step on grass. This means you're putting less effort into achieving the same speed or distances you'd expect on solid ground, which can negatively affect your running economy and field performance.
To become stronger, more powerful or more efficient, your body needs to adapt to progressive overloads in training. Treadmill running eases the workload compared to grass running, making it a less-than-optimal option if used repeatedly to develop soccer-specific fitness.
No directional changes
To be effective, resistance training must be sport-specific. In football, this not only involves dribbling a ball with every movement, but must mimic the demands of the sport in terms of directional changes.
Slowing down and speeding up with changes in direction and movement provides a much greater muscle stimulus than running in straight lines. Without that stimulus in training, you will limit your potential to improve athleticism in matches and increase your risk of injury.
Should treadmills be avoided? Treadmill training is a less-than-ideal option for soccer players, but it can serve a purpose. If you don't have access to a field, or if you're in an area where it snows or rains where the field gets flooded, and in other cases that make running on grass or street difficult, sometimes it's better to run on a treadmill than not run.
If you are looking for greater physical resistance and become that player who can handle playing the 90 minutes with a high intensity check out our new training program, PLAY THE 90 MINUTES ENDURANCE 3.0!
Play the 90 minutes Endurance 3.0, it is a fitness program focused on gaining resistance and specifically for soccer players.
This program was created for you to increase your physical resistance during the season and become that player who maintains a high game intensity during the entire 90 minutes.
It is important that you know that there are two types of resistance. aerobic and anaerobic resistance. Contrary to the majority belief, soccer is classified as an anaerobic sport. In other words, soccer is a sport that requires the athlete to have the ability to repeat high-intensity movements frequently during a match.
Therefore, in this program you will find exercises that really simulate game situations, without long, boring and inefficient races. at the end of the program, you will have an increase in your vo2 max, lactate threshold and your cardiovascular capacity. In this way, you will become the engine of your team.
The program can be used during the competitive season if you feel the need to work on your endurance specifically, and during your offseason in conjunction with the preseason or trial program (as an extra workout).
✅ Training in the Field
✅ Training with the Ball
❌ Workouts at the Academy
❌ Boring and long runs
⚽️ Just ball and cones
Kevin Devezas
Ótimo conteúdo LDP
Pablo José
LDP cara, A cada dia que passava eu estava desistindo do sonho de ser jogador pois eu moro em um povoado pequeno (2mil habitantes) e a última peneira que havia feito teria sido a 4 anos atrás quando tinha 11 anos e não havia mostrado o meu verdadeiro futebol, sempre fui tímido e ficava com medo em jogos grandes, Mas vc cara abriu minha mente com os seus motivacionais, estou a cada dia tentando melhorar meu futebol, Obrigado! Daqui a uma semana vou disputar o campeonato mais importante até agora na minha vida, o treinador formou um time desse meu povoado e iremos viajar para Alto Parnaíba MA (distância de 200km da minha cidade) daqui a 1 semana e já estou pensando em comprar um programa de treinamento, pois n sou titular absoluto e n gosto de ficar no banco de reservas, e o seus treino me motiva, n apenas como jogador mas como cidadão, e parei de acreditar em destino e comecei a acreditar que a gente faz o nosso próprio destino, Deus deu a nós o livre arbítrio para criarmos o nosso destino e ser capitão da nossa alma, Obrigado LDP pelos seus treinos e por sempre estar ajudando as pessoas e por ajudar o meu sonho a se concretizar, me responde lá no insta mano @pablo_mq9 mandei várias mensagens e procurando os melhores horários que você esteja lá pra me responder sei que é muitas mas dá uma atenção pra mim parceiro.Blz? No pique do Borja e rumo ao pro kkkkkkkkk