The Biggest Mistake Players Make in Football Trials
Speak up, crack!
In today's post I would like to share some tips for you to prepare as well as possible for your next sieve, test or even a championship.
I believe that the biggest mistake players make when they go to audition is not preparing themselves, not physically, not technically, not mentally. They simply sign up for the sift a month in advance, stay at home waiting for the day of the event and when the day to play comes, they can't bear to play 15 minutes, they don't have the rhythm of the game or they get nervous and in the end they wonder what it happened.
How to prepare yourself physically?
Today, whether you like it or not, the minimum you need to be successful in football is quality physical preparation, if you can't handle playing 20 minutes of intense football, not even if you have Neymar's technique, you will succeed in the sport.
That's why it's important that you organize a training program to prepare for your sieve. However, the program must be well designed with physical training that will really help you gain more speed, agility, strength, explosion and endurance.
Many athletes think that going to run 5km in 30 minutes is a physical workout, but the truth is that you are just kidding yourself. The best physical workouts are those that simulate real game situations with shots, changing direction, jumping and varying intensity. Running on the treadmill will make you sweaty, but it won't bring you such expressive results.
How to prepare technically?
Physical preparation is essential, but it's no use being fast, agile and strong if you don't know how to use that to your advantage with the ball at your feet. Therefore, it is important that you work on your technique and work on your weaknesses before participating in a sieve so that you arrive at the calibrated event. If your disability is finishing, train shooting on goal, if your disability is passing, train passing.
Another good way to train your technique is to implement work with the ball in your physical training, for example, instead of doing a zig zag run in sprints, do the same route with the ball in your foot, dribbling the cones as fast as you can If you can, this exercise will both develop your physicality and challenge your technique during high-intensity movements.
How to mentally prepare?
Lastly, if you don't have an armored mind, you can throw all the hard work away. See the example of the player Pedrinho from Corinthians against Guarani from Paraguay... A talented and decisive player, but he entered the match very exhausted and ended up being expelled from the game in the first half due to anxiety.
It is necessary that you start working your mind and prepare yourself for adverse situations that may happen on sieve day. What if you fall on a bad team? What if it's cold and raining a lot? And you have to wait 2 hours to play? And if you only play 30 minutes? What if you start badly in the first 5 minutes? How will you deal with these situations?
Start creating an armored mind that knows how to deal with difficulties, because I guarantee you, they will come.
Now, if you don't know how to set up a preparatory training for sieves, I invite you to take a look at our new training program Play the 90 Minutes Sieve.
A 5-week training program designed especially for anyone preparing for a sieve or test.
The focus of the program is to prepare you physically and technically so that you are ready to kick ass on test day!
Matheus Rodrigues Pereira
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